Mechanical and Bionic Prosthesis
Our Partner: Motorica
Motorica is an international company with offices in Russia, China and India. Half of the team are employees of the development department and medical specialists. This allows the company to continuously develop new assistive technologies and improve the current products. Motorica manufactured more than 800 products that were shipped to 8 countries.
The company which has been punching the market during last 3 years due to skill of combining new technologies with old school traditional market.
For 4 years, the company has grown 10 times in the traditional market, crowding out foreign analogues.
> 1000 users in 10 countries;
- 5 types of products;
60 employees in the team
Our products
1.Mechanical prosthesis
•Weight - 550 gr. •Length - 316 mm •Width - 96 mm •Height - 130 mm •Maximum lifting power - 6 kg
A) The prosthesis makes the injured
limb active, therefore strengthening forearm muscles, keeping them up, not letting them atrophy and allowing for. Switching to bioelectric prosthesis in the future.
B) Each prosthesis can be complemented by unique accessories, which can make a modern gadget out of it.
C) You can design the prosthesis yourself and select its color, including the one that matches your skin color
D) Active prostheses allow to perform basic daily actions
2. Bionic prosthesis Stradivary
Full brush opening time <1.5 sec.
• Weight – 480 gr
• Maximum lifting power - 10 kg
• Length of an opened brush - 90 mm
• Rotation of the brush module - passive / 360 degrees
• Control system - single-channel / two-channel
• Working temperature - -10 to 40 ° C
• Time for a full charge of the battery - 2 hours
Description :
1. The prosthesis control system works with electrodes that read the electric potential from the muscles of the stump at the time of their contraction
2. Bionic prostheses make it possible to successfully use a spoon, fork, ballpoint pen, work on industrial equipment, perform up to 80% of everyday tasks.
3. A contactless payment module, an e-ink display, a gsm module are built into the prosthesis. PayPass technology is used for payment.
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